[drive] dreamed a dream so vividly like not just my eyes seeing all the stuff but i rly felt the place, i see w my whole body n by looking at what i saw somehow i can sense the feeling that i know exactly what i wanted to be seen.. as this —— the single word comes to my mind for me literally cant be said in public comment places but i dare myself to haha, i want off the feeling its been hunting me forever n id get chills all over, running through my body that kind of chill. quit feeling sry already y being so competitive, i can totally shut off (but what does it do? faking this thoughtful person? says by in bed babbling sht prepare to get out of bed to do some extraordinary things me
又是明显带有自传色彩的同志片 不是赵凡官方正版小说是本性难移 从接受自己到让别人尤其是家人接受自己本身就是一件很难做到的事情 期间的折磨和痛苦并不像电影中表现的这么迅速和果断//文化和舆论的规训则是另一个维度的故事了//总之觉得非常轻飘飘也非常童话