I think when you walk in to a Disney feature you expected it to be emotionally safe in this Disney bubble or filter of the world outside however this show kinda flip my expectations in a good way and I like how they still manage to stay in that happy bubble in the end in a logical and heartwarming way.
良心是在对错问题上从不含糊而Chris的悲剧正在于要在坚如磐石的社会和历史背景里拒绝进入the usual darkness;理想主义总是单纯后半段像北岛一样大喊“我不相信”不相信家族财富渗着血不相信前线的尸体已经被忘记不相信半个国家都是guilted;普通人的生活有悲剧性也就有了人性闪光
they are trying to deliver a lot of useful information at the BLM event. But Hollywood should keep themselves away from the politics. Stop tuck with a bulk of message into a comedy, we just want to laugh afterwork. Good police stuck to their job and they shouldn't be treated like a criminal.